I grew up being a fan of Peter Gabriel,
particularly when he was with Genesis.
As far as his first few solo albums, all titled “Peter Gabriel”,
They were all pretty spotty, but there was always the hope
that he would some day do something great.
I’m sure a lot of people would disagree with me,
but after I heard his hit album “So”, I said “So What?”
Sgt. Disco is the kind of album Peter Gabriel should have made,
it would have been his greatest artistic achievement.
Songs like “Zig Zag”, “Pattern Girl”, “The Constable's Headscape”,
and “Swing Shift” could easily be released as Peter Gabriel records.
Except it’s something I don’t think Gabriel is capable of.
This is the bands 5th album and perhaps the first to sound
like a band album, even though Todd Tobias is the band,
with of course Bob on vocals.
(regular member Tim Tobias doesn’t appear on this record)
Sgt. Disco has some heavy grungy moments like “George Took a Shovel”,
“Love Hate Relationship with the Human Race”, “Outlasting Girafalo”,
and “In Madonna's Gazebo”, which sounds like David Bowie with
guitar that sounds like Reeves Gabrels.
The instrumental, “Hot Lettuce” sounds like something from
Frank Zappa’s “Zoot Allures” album,
I almost expect Wonderful Wino to break in at the end.
There are a lot of great songs here,
but you really have to stay with the song,
like “Brick Soul Mascots” which starts out slow
but kicks in halfway through.
I would include “Sgt. Disco” to my list of the Ten Non-Guided By Voices
Robert Pollard albums that all GBV fans must have.
Amazing. |